Pontevedra, España, 1978. Su ámbito profesional está originalmente relacionado con el mundo de la arquitectura, y es en la fotografía donde ha encontrado un lugar al que siempre regresar y en el que compartir su actividad profesional. Su formación fotográfica se construye de manera autónoma mediante la exploración e investigación constante y con la asistencia a formación selectiva complementaria en aquellas áreas que despiertan un mayor interés o suponen un reto para él. Su mirada está próxima a la fotografía documental y trabaja en aquellos temas con los que se identifica o que le preocupan. Disfruta especialmente de los procesos de investigación, documentación y exploración, porque más allá de un fin artístico para él es importante que exista un proceso de crecimiento personal al abordar cada proyecto.

Pontevedra, Spain, 1978. His professional field is originally related to the world of architecture, and it is in photography where he has found a place to always return to and share his professional activity. His photographic training is built up autonomously through constant exploration and research and by attending selective complementary training in those areas that arouse his interest or pose a challenge for him. His approach is close to documentary photography and he works on those subjects with which he identifies or which concern him. He especially enjoys the processes of research, documentation and exploration, because beyond an artistic aim, it is important to him that there is a process of personal growth when tackling each project.

Social: @vicentefraga_

Contact: info@vicentefraga.com

Represents: Isabel Hernández (+34) ‭639 269 836‬ 


2010     University Degree in Building Engineering. 

2009     University Degree in Technical Architecture.


2024     “XVIII Luis Ksado” Photography Award. “Adeus”. Winner

2023    "LIV Ciudad de Alcalá" Photography Award. "Adeus". Winner - (gala)

2023     "XVII Luis Ksado" Photography Award. "Adeus". Honorable mention.

2023     Royal Photographic Society. IPE 165. Shortlisted.

2023     Sarajevo Photography Festival 2023. Finalist.

2023     "VII Carlos Perez Siquier" Photography Award. Finalist.

2023     Kolga Tbilisi Photo. Documentary Series, “Adeus”. Shortlisted.

2021     Urbanautica Institute Awards. Antropology and territories, “Adeus”. Shortlisted.


2023     Photographic projects, with American photographer: Alec Soth.

2022     A journey from silver to digital, with Spanish photographer: Jose Manuel Navia.

2022     Models and story building, with Romanian photographer: Marius Ionut Scarlat.

2022     Creative processes, with Spanish photographer: Israel Ariño.

Lectures, Conferences, Interviews.

2024    “Adeus”. In RNE. National Radio of Spain.

2024    "Adeus: the inner journey". Lecture in ABVP Festival in Guimaraes, Portugal.

2022     Documentary project development, Lecture in Photography Class of Alcala University General Foundation, Spain.

2022     “Adeus”, Lecture in EAN12. City of the culture of Galicia, Spain.


Adeus, Capilla del Oidor, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, October - December 2023. Individual.

Adeus, Museo do Pobo Galego, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, October - November 2023. Individual.

Memory around the world, National Library, Beirut, Lebanon, September 2022. Collective.

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